About Library
Library is the heart of the institution or organization. Library plays a vital role in development of the students as well as the faculty. It is the place of knowledge, open for Teacher educators and Student-teachers. Library build knowledge and support teaching and learning and also provides better Service to its user. Sree Siddaganga College of Education has established its own library open in the academic year 1972-73 for students as well as for faculty members.
At present, the library is well equipped, furnished and spacious to accommodate 50 students at a time presently it has 19139 volumes with 1851 titles including Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Gazetteers and Year books. 874 Journals Back Volumes and 173 CD’S, DVD’s and Video Cassettes then subscribes more than 17 Educational Journals and 12 Magazines and 06 Kannada and English Daily News Papers.
Our Library Subscribes to N-List
(N-List: National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content)
Link: https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
Services of the Library
- Issue of Books
- Reference
- SC-ST Cell Book Bank
- OBC Cell Book Bank
- Reprographic
- Internet
- Orientation Service
- Newspaper clipping Service
Working Hours:
9.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. on all working days.

Library Staff
Satish S. – Librarian
B.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., PGDLIM., K-SET., UGC-NET
Experience: 16 Years
Expertise: Library and Information Science, Knowledge Management, Institutional Repository, Content and Reference Management
Email: srisanayak@gmail.com | Mob: +91-9242311848

Magazines and News Papers
Magazines |
Daily News Papers |

E-Resources | No. of Collections |
e-books | 1,99,500+ |
e-journals | 6,000+ |
Calibre e-book software can be access within library premises.
For old question papers and e-books:
Internal Link:
Online Resource
- NDL: (National Digital Library of India) https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
Register before access - Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian theses https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
- e-PG Pathshala: https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/
- eGyanKosh: https://egyankosh.ac.in/
- Pdf drive: https://www.pdfdrive.com/
- KDPL: https://www.karnatakadigitalpubliclibrary.org/
Educational Journals
Sl. No | Title | Periodicity |
1 | Community Guidance and Research | Q |
2 | Dimension of Education | Q |
3 | Edutracks | M |
4 | Journal of English Language Teaching | Bi-M |
5 | Experiments in Education | M |
6 | Indian Education | Q |
7 | Indian Educational and Abstracts | Bi-M |
8 | Indian Educational Review | Q |
9 | March of Karnataka | M |
10 | Miracle of Teaching | Q |
11 | New Frontiers in Education | Q |
12 | The Primary Teacher | Q |
13 | School science | Q |
14 | Science Reporter | M |
15 | Shikshana Soudha | Q |
16 | University News | W |
17 | Yojana | M |
Open Access E- Journals
- http://www.hpnadig.net/blog/index.php/archives/2004/10/25/more-kannada-websites-on-the-net-updated
- http://archimage.co.in/entries/general/popular-kannada-websites-blogs
- http://sobagu.blogspot.in/2009/12/kannada-website-list.html
- http://vishvakannada.com/
- www.irrodi.org
- www.ijaret.com
- http://www.ijese.net/
- http://math.coe.uga.edu/TME/tmeonline.html
- http://www.j-e-r-o.com/index.php/jero/issue/view/39
- http://llt.msu.edu/
- http://www.ijea.org/
- http://www.isetl.org/ijtlhe/
- http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/epod/index
- http://oiirj.org/oiirj/ejournal/
- http://jolle.coe.uga.edu/
- http://www.soeagra.com/ijert/ijert.htm
- https://doaj.org